Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
water balloon
Lately its like there is a water balloon over my head that everyone wants to pop.
Why is that?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
next big step
It's coming on two years that I have been graduated from Highschool.
Since then I have:
Gone to Argentina, Mexico, Canada, and Guatemala
Moved to and live in L.A. successfully without getting mugged, threatened (at least my life), or kidnapped.
Worked two jobs and gone to school successfully at the same time.
Learned how to think outside of the box
Learned a tiny bit of what I am capable of doing....
And you know how sometimes you get to a point and you are just ready for that next big leap?
I am applying to start at Azusa Pacific University in the Spring of 2010. Big step.
I don't know where the money is going to come from (probably loans and hopefully creative ideas from God) and I don't know exactly what I am going to do...but I do know I am excited and nervous. Somewhere mushed in the middle of the two. It will be a whole new world to experience, learn and grow in.
I am hoping that I can look back at my time spent in college and my early twenties and say that I not only accomplished graduating and do something positive but that I REALLY attempted (and hopefully succeeded) in doing everything I possibly could to make a difference in my realm of influence, my school, my work place, my city and even the world for God. Because that's what I want above everything else. I want to live up to the potential He has created for me.
Please pray about APU.
Since then I have:
Gone to Argentina, Mexico, Canada, and Guatemala
Moved to and live in L.A. successfully without getting mugged, threatened (at least my life), or kidnapped.
Worked two jobs and gone to school successfully at the same time.
Learned how to think outside of the box
Learned a tiny bit of what I am capable of doing....
And you know how sometimes you get to a point and you are just ready for that next big leap?
I am applying to start at Azusa Pacific University in the Spring of 2010. Big step.
I don't know where the money is going to come from (probably loans and hopefully creative ideas from God) and I don't know exactly what I am going to do...but I do know I am excited and nervous. Somewhere mushed in the middle of the two. It will be a whole new world to experience, learn and grow in.
I am hoping that I can look back at my time spent in college and my early twenties and say that I not only accomplished graduating and do something positive but that I REALLY attempted (and hopefully succeeded) in doing everything I possibly could to make a difference in my realm of influence, my school, my work place, my city and even the world for God. Because that's what I want above everything else. I want to live up to the potential He has created for me.
Please pray about APU.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Santa Barbara
I spent this last weekend in Santa Barbara being spoiled and hanging out with/meeting some of the greatest people. I was going to try and blog all of it--but well, lets be honest--I am really far too lazy for that- so instead I am going to leave you with some pictures and a video (most of this photo credit goes to annemarie who is actually a great blogger. so if you REALLY want to read about it, go to her blog :) http://blog.allthingsannemarie.com/). We ate and sang and BBQd and laughed and hugged and tanned and hiked...it was great! : )
I cant wait to go back and visit again
Here are some highlights.....

Friday, April 10, 2009
Pursuing the things we love
For most of my life if you had asked me what I wanted to "be when I grew up", I would have told you I was going to be a singer. I know those of you who haven't known me since I was little probably think, "really?"...its true : )
One of the things I wanted to do while I was in Cali was learn guitar and start writing my music. So I have started....And maybe I'll never make a cd or anything..but I think it is so important that we pursue the things we love.
Friday, April 3, 2009
just thinkin
What are you doing with your life right now?
I love my job and what I am a part of. The people I get to work with and the bigger picture of what I am a part of. I have been blessed beyond measure and God has dealt with me and given me so many undeserved chances to do what is right by Him that it makes my head spin and it makes me wonder...
If I am doing this at the age of 19 and 20...what am I going to be doing in 10 years when I graduated from college, (hopefully) married and have a family or a start of a family.
I am a part of something great right now. I learn new things everyday. I have blessed to go to school while working under amazing people and with amazing people. Everyday I can stand on the side lines and know that I am doing what God has asked me to and that it IS effecting people.
But is it enough?
There is something in me that wants to do MORE.
Not because what I am doing is insignificant, because it is important.
Not because I think I have some special calling to go and "Be the change".
Not because I am more capable to do it.
But because all of us talk about it and how many people are acting?
I love the Dream Center because they do jump in head first. Even though it is stressful sometimes, at the end of the day, you can't say that people aren't fighting to make an impact.
I have to wonder what my calling is and what God has in store when in the last 8 months I have done things that I didn't know I was capable of.
Doors are open, ya know?
I am anxious to walk through, get to the next step and see what's ahead.
But for now--I am where I am, and I am okay with that because who gets the opportunity to everyday learn from amazingly wise leaders, professors AND the people in LA?
I am lucky.
Friday, February 13, 2009
I was on the Apple store page looking at laptops tonight and thinking about the fact that I am starting college next week and I stumbled upon this little thing on their website and I thought it was great....
"Think back to the reason you got into education: The chance to make a difference. But to make that difference- and this is more true today than ever- you have to be open to change. You have to be ready to adopt new ideas and recognize new opportunities."
Isn't that so good?
I am going to school because I asked God to show me what I had to do to make a bigger difference For me, that is school. I don't know what it is exactly that He wants me to do -- but I do know I am on the right path, and hey-- that's a pretty good feeling.
Friday, February 6, 2009
I am having this problem lately where I will get really excited about something...totally invest my time in it, be super amped about what it is and then someone gets offered something else and I want do that.
I don't think it's really a jealousy issue. I think it's more of a...always wanting something "bigger and better" and instead of being content with what I am doing I just want that big project that will change everything.
Sounds stupid.
I have been noticing it more lately than ever as I have been watching all these awesome opportunities being given to people. It's not like what I am doing is any LESS... it's just like...
hmmm... I don't even really know....
I totally believe that what God has for me to do is significant and will make a difference, but at the same time I can't help but feel a tinge of, "Why do THEY get to do that? I WANT to do that." And then I wonder, do I actually really want to do that or is it just something that looks interesting. Do I really have a passion for that? Or am I just being 100% selfish?
blah blah blah
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Join the Cause
Every night in Los Angeles, someone goes hungry.
Statistics are a mind blowing thing.
But nothing compares to being able to see those statistics first hand.
I have the opportunity to work at The Dream Center and be a part of the Adopt-A-Block program. I see the need here everyday, overwhelming the streets and hearts of people who are hanging on to their last string of hope.
We have the chance to make a difference in their lives. Not a difference that will take place a year from now or next week, but a difference that will take place RIGHT NOW.
By donating, you provide these families and individuals with food, a place to stay, mentoring, hygiene needs and most importantly, the chance for us to continue to go and tell them that we love them and God loves them even more.
I don't have statistics for you but I do have my first had experience. Los Angeles is in need. The people are in need.
And you can be their hope.
Wouldn't you agree that RIGHT NOW is a good time to make a difference?
Visit this site and JOIN THE CAUSE
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
deciding who you want to be
How did you decide what you wanted to be?
I am realizing, as I am about to register for my college classes tomorrow, that I am not sure what I want to do. I really like what I do right now for Marketing at The Dream Center...but do I like it because of what I am doing...or because I get to work with great people?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
When the lights go out and inspiration comes
Last week Pastor Brad, here at the Dream Center, challenged everyone to let it all out to God this week.
I came home that night, shut off my lights except my orange lamp, and locked my doors. Then I say in my room for 5-6 hours and wrote a song.
I cried out to God and I told Him exactly how I felt.
Afterwards, I videotaped it (so wouldn't forget the tune haha) and I just figured out how to record stuff on Garage band!
Anyways--- Here are the lyrics. You can actually hear the song on www.myspace.com/ShannonGalford
I have been trying for awhile
to tell you
That I have been so foolish for awhile
I am trying, I swear that I'm trying but
My attempts feel so small
I want you, I swear that I want you but
I don't believe my words at all
Cause I'm lost, and I don't feel found all the time
Cause I'm lost, and I don't feel found all the time
I don't know what to say sometimes when you ask,
"Where have you been?"
I don't know what to say sometimes when you say,
"Come home my child..."
Cause I'm lost and I don't feel found all the time
Cause I'm lost and I don't feel found all the time
I am trying, I swear that I'm trying But
my attempts feel so small...
Why do they feel so small?
(music break)
But you say, you already found me
You want me to come home
But you say, you already found me
There's no need to be alone
I was lost, but you found me
You took me from my shame
I was lost, but you found me
You called me by my name
You called me by my name
I dont know what to say sometimes
but you, you love me
I dont know what to say sometimes
but you, you called me home
You called me home
You called me home
Friday, January 16, 2009

I sold my first painting for 200 bucks when I was a senior in high school. I felt as if I was selling a little piece of my soul. When I decided to stay in LA, I decided to bring my art with me and try to sell it. I packed my favorite pieces into a huge portfolio, put it in a box with bubble wrap, ducked taped that baby shut and then prayed over it before I put it on the plane. Know where that portfolio is now?
Under my bed.
Know where the art from that portfolio is?
On my walls.
I almost just can't bear to give them up. They each have a history. I remember creating each of them. I remember the way the sun felt or the rain smelt on days when I finished a piece I was proud of. I remember walking quietly through our art department with my paint covered ipod, paint covered hands, carrying my oversized canvas' and my fingertips dancing with anticipation to hang up and stand back and see what had come out of my messy red haired hippie mind.
I haven't done anything with my art since I have been in LA. quite a shame...
I read this quote tonight...
"It's not your painting anymore. It stopped being your painting the moment you finished it"
I just stared at the quote and thought, "Wow. He is right."
Its like...I paint these painting and at the time they are all representing something to me that is fighting to get out somehow. Once it is out, the painting needs to inspire someone else.
I need to get my art out and I need to start painting again.
Why do we sometimes let our passions take the back seat?
Why do we put them in drawers, tuck them away safely and then not return for them?
I want to use my passion not have a drawer full of paint brushes.
so I think I shall.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Had an emotional break down a couple days ago.
You know when you progressively, not IGNORE God, but certainly don't pay Him nearly enough attention?
I slowly started slinking back in the corner, getting busy and putting Him off.
The other day several things happened and it all sort of came crashing down all at once.
Spent three house crying in my office asking God how I got where I was.
Of course, I felt much better afterwards. Put things into perspective and figured out what it was I needed to do to change.
Ever feel that way?
You wake up one day and realize that you don't like the direction you are going?
I guess the cool thing about our lives and our God is that once we realize it we can just...choose to change it.
Although, it doesn't happen over night, at least we get the choice to change, right?
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
DISCLAIMER:: These are not new year resolutions. Simply real life goals I would like to accomplish. Yes, there is a difference.
1- Start College (and do fantastic)
2- Sell my art
3- Sing
4- Write more music/become better at guitar
5- Excel in my job far more than expected
6- Decorate my room with my roomie
7- Call my Grandma more
8- Leave the country at least once
9- Laugh everyday
10- Start something original and relevant that will help make a change in the world
1- Start College (and do fantastic)
2- Sell my art
3- Sing
4- Write more music/become better at guitar
5- Excel in my job far more than expected
6- Decorate my room with my roomie
7- Call my Grandma more
8- Leave the country at least once
9- Laugh everyday
10- Start something original and relevant that will help make a change in the world
Monday, January 5, 2009
While I was in Guatemala, we were building a bathroom and a septic tank for some of the people in the first village we stayed in. In order to build it we needed to make concrete. Unfortunately, in Guatemala, they do not have pre packaged cement mix. A huge huge load of sand was dropped off in front of the church we were building at. But this was not the kind of sand you dig your toes into at the beach...this "sand" looked more like they took some shovels and dug it out from the same ground we were standing on. There were all sorts of rocks in it causing it to be unable to use it. So we began to sift it. There were three different sifters. One for the big huge rocks, one for the medium rocks, and one for the little tiny rocks that were almost impossible to get out. We sifted sand for almost two days trying to get them enough for the concrete. As we were doing it, I couldn't help but think it was a lot like how God deals with us.
In order to refine us and build us into something magnificent, He has to "sift" us and get rid of all the rocks in our lives. First, he starts with the most obvious things. He helps us to give up addictions, trouble and trauma that is right in front of us and easy to spot. After we have dealt with those things He starts dealing with things that are a little deeper. A little harder to get rid of. Once those things are brought out, He reaches into us and starts yanking on those tiny, almost invisble things that are causing us to not reach out full potential. It hurts and it's time consuming but He starts to sift through those things and open up our eyes to them.
I was reminded of all of this the last few days and I thought I'd share.
We fight so much to remain that sand that isn't usable...but if we would just go through the process...we could be something amazing.
In order to refine us and build us into something magnificent, He has to "sift" us and get rid of all the rocks in our lives. First, he starts with the most obvious things. He helps us to give up addictions, trouble and trauma that is right in front of us and easy to spot. After we have dealt with those things He starts dealing with things that are a little deeper. A little harder to get rid of. Once those things are brought out, He reaches into us and starts yanking on those tiny, almost invisble things that are causing us to not reach out full potential. It hurts and it's time consuming but He starts to sift through those things and open up our eyes to them.
I was reminded of all of this the last few days and I thought I'd share.
We fight so much to remain that sand that isn't usable...but if we would just go through the process...we could be something amazing.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Breaking Mom's Heart
I was sitting in my room listening to music and messing with my new ipod and my mom walked in and started talking to me...
"What's that over there?"
"Thats my shelf thing..if you want to send it to LA you can, but it's sort of an awkward thing to send." I told her.
"Yea.."She replied.."And you can use it when you move back in here."
I looked at her and said, "Mom..I'm not moving back in here."
She looked stunned. Didn't she realize I wasn't moving back in?
She told me she never really realized that I wouldn't be moving back in the house.
I looked at her and explained that there was nothing left for me here. That if I moved back in I would be taking a step back in my life, rather than a step forward. I told her I didn't really want to be a 25 year old graduate living with her parents. I think I crushed her. But I explained it had nothing to do with her or my stepdad and that I didn't mean to offend her, just that this stage in my life had to be over.
It was the first time I had said all of that outloud.
"There is nothing left for me here."
I sort of shocked myself, even.
She started tearing up because I am her youngest and the last to go and I have finally made up my mind to stay in LA for awhile...
Ever had that realization where you just see...and realize that there is nothing left to gain from that position in life?
"What's that over there?"
"Thats my shelf thing..if you want to send it to LA you can, but it's sort of an awkward thing to send." I told her.
"Yea.."She replied.."And you can use it when you move back in here."
I looked at her and said, "Mom..I'm not moving back in here."
She looked stunned. Didn't she realize I wasn't moving back in?
She told me she never really realized that I wouldn't be moving back in the house.
I looked at her and explained that there was nothing left for me here. That if I moved back in I would be taking a step back in my life, rather than a step forward. I told her I didn't really want to be a 25 year old graduate living with her parents. I think I crushed her. But I explained it had nothing to do with her or my stepdad and that I didn't mean to offend her, just that this stage in my life had to be over.
It was the first time I had said all of that outloud.
"There is nothing left for me here."
I sort of shocked myself, even.
She started tearing up because I am her youngest and the last to go and I have finally made up my mind to stay in LA for awhile...
Ever had that realization where you just see...and realize that there is nothing left to gain from that position in life?
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