Friday, February 13, 2009


I was on the Apple store page looking at laptops tonight and thinking about the fact that I am starting college next week and I stumbled upon this little thing on their website and I thought it was great....

"Think back to the reason you got into education: The chance to make a difference. But to make that difference- and this is more true today than ever- you have to be open to change. You have to be ready to adopt new ideas and recognize new opportunities."

Isn't that so good?
I am going to school because I asked God to show me what I had to do to make a bigger difference For me, that is school. I don't know what it is exactly that He wants me to do -- but I do know I am on the right path, and hey-- that's a pretty good feeling.

Friday, February 6, 2009


I am having this problem lately where I will get really excited about something...totally invest my time in it, be super amped about what it is and then someone gets offered something else and I want do that.

I don't think it's really a jealousy issue. I think it's more of a...always wanting something "bigger and better" and instead of being content with what I am doing I just want that big project that will change everything.
Sounds stupid.

I have been noticing it more lately than ever as I have been watching all these awesome opportunities being given to people. It's not like what I am doing is any LESS... it's just like...
hmmm... I don't even really know....
I totally believe that what God has for me to do is significant and will make a difference, but at the same time I can't help but feel a tinge of, "Why do THEY get to do that? I WANT to do that." And then I wonder, do I actually really want to do that or is it just something that looks interesting. Do I really have a passion for that? Or am I just being 100% selfish?

blah blah blah

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Join the Cause

Every night in Los Angeles, someone goes hungry.
Statistics are a mind blowing thing.

But nothing compares to being able to see those statistics first hand.

I have the opportunity to work at The Dream Center and be a part of the Adopt-A-Block program. I see the need here everyday, overwhelming the streets and hearts of people who are hanging on to their last string of hope.

We have the chance to make a difference in their lives. Not a difference that will take place a year from now or next week, but a difference that will take place RIGHT NOW.

By donating, you provide these families and individuals with food, a place to stay, mentoring, hygiene needs and most importantly, the chance for us to continue to go and tell them that we love them and God loves them even more.

I don't have statistics for you but I do have my first had experience. Los Angeles is in need. The people are in need.

And you can be their hope.
Wouldn't you agree that RIGHT NOW is a good time to make a difference?

Visit this site and JOIN THE CAUSE