Friday, February 6, 2009


I am having this problem lately where I will get really excited about something...totally invest my time in it, be super amped about what it is and then someone gets offered something else and I want do that.

I don't think it's really a jealousy issue. I think it's more of a...always wanting something "bigger and better" and instead of being content with what I am doing I just want that big project that will change everything.
Sounds stupid.

I have been noticing it more lately than ever as I have been watching all these awesome opportunities being given to people. It's not like what I am doing is any LESS... it's just like...
hmmm... I don't even really know....
I totally believe that what God has for me to do is significant and will make a difference, but at the same time I can't help but feel a tinge of, "Why do THEY get to do that? I WANT to do that." And then I wonder, do I actually really want to do that or is it just something that looks interesting. Do I really have a passion for that? Or am I just being 100% selfish?

blah blah blah

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