Saturday, November 15, 2008

i am alive, indeed

So today was our day off. Day off translates into somethin adventurous or crazy so the boys forget they are outnumbered with girls.We decided to go to these thermal springs at this river. Our truck had no problem getting over the streets but our van that is clearly not made for 4x4 had a bit of a rough time. Needless to say it is designed to have 15 people on PAVED roads.Anywayswe had our day got a tan ate some lunch and then decided to head back. About 5 minutes into the trip I feel this prompting to put on my seat belt. so I fumble around for it because no one wears them here and I dont even know where it is and strap myself in. Not 3 minutes later we have to cross a bridge that clearly should not be crossed by vehicles. Part of it is missing. So our poor van goes up and Chris floors the thing and we arent moving up this huge hill and are only going deeper into the mud that is there. I start saying, should we get out...but no response.He starts to reverse and the girl back starts screaming, YOU ARE NOT ON YOU ARE NOT ON but he clearly didnt hear and all of a sudden we hear the back wheel go off the edge and all the people in the truck behind us scream. If not for a huge dirt pile we would have instantly been over the side of the cliff. I am sitting there thinking...oh jesus, I was prompted to put my seatbelt on because we are going over. I am going to die. I am not ready to they try to open the door and cant so I say screw that and grab my bag and jump out the big side window, sliding down the edge of the van on the way.thankfully, we didnt die and we didnt go over the edge. however, on our next day off I am suggesting a movie and shannon.


nick said...

thats crazy,
glad your ok shannon

Maria Perez said...

Wow, that is some adventure. Yikes...I'm glad you didn't go over the edge. Also glad you have a scary yet awesome story to tell of your adventures...Yeah I would also suggest doing something a little more relaxing. Anyways love ya...can't wait to hear about your trip.