Friday, October 24, 2008

new chapters

I'm starting to get a little nervous about this upcoming time in my life.
I think I am pretty capable of everything heading my way but  it's strange to think about.
I am leaving for a month to go tell people about Jesus and be an example of love for them.
Am I qualified for that?
Truth:: none of us are. 
I come back and continue working in marketing and start school in February and jump into this thick chapter of my life that there is no way to skim through, thumb through, or skip through.
I feel like it's a chapter bound to have errors and corrections that people are going to have no fear pointing out. 
I can almost feel things irking up that are going to be things I have to work on, things that I have to turn around, things that I have to change.
Thats normal, but having those things pointed out can be painful, I think.

I know the next few years hold huge opportunities.
Tomorrow holds huge opportunities, for that matter.
But sometimes I am not sure I am fit to do all of the things I am about to jump into.

Thank God that He sees me in a way I don't understand because I swear it is the only thing that is making me not fold the corner of the page and set the book down.

1 comment:

Maria Perez said...

Wow, pretty much summed up my life right now too..i mean besides the going to another country part and the specifics on the job but I mean where you are in thing is that you are experiencing all this at what 19 yrs old..I on the other hand took longer to get here and am now realizing the amazing opportunities God has places in my life, opportunities to grow and be challenged, learn and experience new things. All I can say is take hold of his hand, spread your wings and fly. It will be an amazing ride.