Monday, October 20, 2008


Do you have any traditions?

The Holidays are so warm for me. Despite my family life being a little crazy, I have been so blessed with the traditions and love that surround me. Every year around this time I just begin to get a little loopy.
When I was growing up, we would listen to mariah carey christmas and the carpenters christmas CD every summer on Family vacations. My Dad and I recently started making Thanksgiving Dinner together. We are the kind of people who eat it while we cook and end up stuffed before anyone else gets there.
I cant imagine not having siblings. What would Christmas morning be like without the sister or brother running in and jumping on your bed to wake you up to open Stockings and see what Santa brought? My aunt's mom's hashbrowns..."Its a wonderful life" and "White Christmas". Thanksgiving day parades. Game nights by the Christmas tree. Yahtzee. Saturday Market with My dad in portland the weekend before Christmas. Our family Fudge. 

I just love the holidays. I love what they do to and within people.
I cant wait to have my own family and create our own traditions. 

Life is so magical. 

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