Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Moving Boxes

So technically I "moved" out when I moved to L.A. after I graduated. But since I didn't like L.A. right away and had no intention of staying very long, I still had a bedroom here with all of my stuff. Everytime that I would come home to visit I would end up taking things back to the Dream Center with me. Well, it's finally gotten to the point where I realize that I may be in Los Angeles for a bit longer than I thought and so this trip may be my last long trip for a while.

I took my curtains down and packed them in my suitcase. I went thrugh every piece of clothing (socks, shirts, pants, shorts, shoes...etc) and put every single item (most of them) that I was never going to wear into big garbage bags for my older sister. I took all my art down off my walls and put it in my big black truck. I packed abox of certain books, or pictures I want to send to LA but mostly...I realize..that I have taken everything with me. I am leaving some candles, some books, my stereo....but when you walk into that room, that only thing that resembles me is the lavendar walls and the smell of incense in the air.

How strange.

I threw away all of my old journals too. It's like letting go of this huge chunk of your life. Not letting go of who you are...but who you were. In the faith of who you are becoming.
It's sort of a daunting feeling.

I know my mom is going to cry when she sees it.

But, as nervous as I am for my future, I am excited to see what is next and I am excited for the next few years.

Here's to change.
I want to be it.

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