Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Do you ever get the feeling that all God wants us to do is ASK Him?

One of my sister's asked me for prayer today. Sorta a big deal since she doesn't really believe in God. Of course, I'm always praying for her, but knowing precisely what to pray for helps. Knowing how much more powerful prayer is when it is more than one person, I pretty much asked everyone I know to pray too.

I was talking to God and telling Him what was going on and for some reason I had this twisting feeling in me that He wanted her to ask. Like, if she would just ask Him for help it would make a huge difference.
Isn't that funny how we do that?

We ask other people to pray for us (which is of course a great thing, don't get me wrong) but do ever think sometimes that maybe God just wants to hear from you?
He wants that little whisper for help to be to Him instead of the air...
He wants that cry for an answer to be a cry to Him instead of something that is only going to make it worse. He wants to be our father that we run to...

I think there have probably been a few times lately where God was saying, "Shannon, just sit and be with me." that I have missed.
This is a big moment in my sister's life and I wonder if she has cried out yet for herself...?

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